Saturday, April 9, 2011

what's missing in porbandar?

just a thought; a dream; 
why cant porbandar be one of the best towns in india?
what is it that we need to have to be one of the world class cities?

dont we think we have the potential of becoming one of these?

What are some of the things that remarkable cities have in common?
  • Strong sense of place anchored by historic preservation
  • Lively, walkable, diverse downtowns
  • Compact development patterns
  • Extensive and well-used public transportation
  • Great public spaces for lively human interaction
  • Parks and quiet places mixed in with urbanity
  • Great traditional neighborhoods with a strong sense of community
  • Welcoming to people of diverse cultures  
Sound familiar?  These are the characteristics of smart growth and sustainable communities, exactly the elements we want more of in America’s towns and cities.  My NRDC colleagues and I just concluded a sustainable communities planning retreat, and these were among the concepts that came up repeatedly.
People fall in love with these cities, and in them, in part because they are so conducive to nourishing the human spirit.  And, as I have pointed out on more than the odd occasion, these characteristics support environmental sustainability, too.
Kaid Benfield writes (almost) daily about community, development, and the environment.  For more posts, see his blog's home page.

Top 10


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Among those who've seen it in person, the conclusion is unanimous: Venice is the most beautiful city in the world, and the only one that can truly be described as unique. Each building is a work of art, with their beauty enhanced when reflected on the canals that cross the city. Its magical scenery is fascinating and breathtaking at first sight, evoking the feeling of entering the setting of a real-life fairy tale. It's perhaps even unfair to all other cities to call Venice a city, as it is a place unlike any other, that no other can compare to, or ever be like.


The Seine and the bridges that cross it, the grand boulevards, the monumental squares, the magnificent monuments, the charming streets of Montmartre -- these images of Paris confirm that it is indeed the most elegant and sophisticated of all cities. It has inspired practically every major world capital, with every city claiming its own Champs-Elysèes, and Place des Vosges becoming the prototype of residential squares throughout Europe. Sit at an outdoor café table or go on a boat tour of the Seine and see it all romantically flash before your eyes.


It is known as the city of the thousand spires because of its profusion of grand, beautifully-preserved historical monuments dating from practically every period in history. Those spires are best admired from the bridges that cross the Vltava River, especially from the magnificent Charles Bridge, or standing in the stunningly beautiful Old Town Square. Add the atmospheric alleyways and cobbled streets that lead to it, and you know that few other cities delight the senses as much as Prague.


Magnificently sited on a series of hills running down to the grand Tagus River, Lisbon is one of the world's most scenic cities. Beautiful unexpected views are found at every turn down its colorful, picturesque streets, and especially from strategically-placed viewpoints or terraces at the top of each hill. The city has an unpolished, seductive appearance; an effortless beauty with captivating details such as cobbled designs, tiled façades, and pastel-colored buildings blending together to give it a singular atmosphere now lost in so many other cities. In such a stunning place, it's no wonder that many of the world's great explorers questioned what other beauties lied beyond the horizon when they departed from here in the 15th century.


Rio de Janeiro
There are those who say God created the world in six days and devoted a seventh to Rio. The city is indeed blessed with one of the most stunning settings in the world, making it the most naturally beautiful city in the world. Even if it was deserted of buildings and population, anyone standing at the top of the famous Sugarloaf Mountain or by the Corcovado statue would see one of the world's most beautiful landscapes. Green, tropical luxuriance mixes with the blue of the ocean and the brightness of the sand at the beaches, proving that this is indeed "the marvelous city" as locals call it.


Each of the thousands of buildings that line Amsterdam's main canals can be classified as a monument, beautifully kept as apartments, offices, cafés, restaurants. All together they form an aesthetic uniformity that make the city one of the most charming in the world, a stunning place of bridges and bikes crossing canals, picturesque cobbled streets, and strikingly elegant architecture.


Florence is synonymous with the Italian Renaissance, known for the artistic heritage in its palaces and museum collections. Yet with all the beauty both inside and outside its palazzi's walls, it is the city as a whole that impresses the most. See it from Piazzale Michelangelo, a 19th century terrace overlooking the entire city, and you'll be looking at one of the most storybook-perfect cityscapes. You'll see its unspoiled skyline, the towers and domes of the heart of the city, its bridges, the hills in the distance, and the magnificent Duomo standing in the middle of it all. Few other places in the world will leave you as awestruck.

8 | ROME

The city standing on seven hills by the Tiber River is a treasure-trove of monuments among some of the most beautiful squares and classical architecture in the world. Because everyone visits Rome for its landmarks, its picturesque streets are often overlooked, such as those of the Trastevere district, filled with charming lanes, faded palazzi, and lovely homes decorated with flower boxes. It is on streets like those that Rome proves itself to really be eternal.


Split in two by the Danube River, Budapest is the result of the merging of three cities. Buda is the hill with the royal palace and an old town filled with baroque and gothic monuments looking over the mostly-19th century Pest, crossed by broad avenues lined with elegant neo-renaissance buildings. Admire its setting and remarkable architecture (including the stunning Parliament Building) from the monumental Chain Bridge, and step into the old town for some of the most romantic lanes you'll ever stroll through.


It's a small city, in a small country, hardly a metropolis, but huge on beauty. It's one of the world's best preserved medieval cities, filled with gothic and baroque monuments surrounded by an oval canal and extraordinarily romantic cobbled lanes. It's no wonder that it is one of Europe's most visited cities, helped by its location in the very center of the continent. It's an unmissable destination when in Brussels, and easily accessible from anywhere in central Europe. Its combination of gorgeous architecture and pretty, peaceful spots crisscrossed by canals make it one of the most magical sites to be experienced in the world.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wednesday, June 25, 2008




  • Por is a mutually supporting group of volunteers who are committed to a better image of the city.

  • Por will identify, visualize, organize and implement projects of public interest which encourage peoples participation for a better and more sustainable living environment.

  • Por will work for creating awareness in the city towards the issues which touch the lives of people directly, through creative media.

  • Por hopes to be a platform for a more meaningful life and positive change in our attitudes.

  • Por will also use its human and other resources for creating awareness in the city about its cultural heritage and make an effort towards its meaningful conservation.

  • Por will wok collectively with other existing organizations in the city which are committed to various causes of public interest.

  • Por hopes to be a response to the need of resurrection of the declining state of our urban life.


    All these days we have seen unprecedented changes in our living environment due to various reasons. Be it environmental degradation due to over use of our natural resources or the declining quality of our rural and urban living environs because of local or global conditions. Our living ambience has been adversely affected and sometimes irreversibly affected due to these impending changes.

    One of the most dangerous side effects of such a state is common man’s alienation from his own living environs. One other reflection of this sad state is our indifference towards our own civic authorities. We, as citizens, seem to depend upon government or other civic authorities to provide solutions to our problems. Sometimes even these solutions may or may not be suitable to a given local situation.

    As has been seen in several such situations worldwide, it is possible to resolve issues of public importance if people themselves wake up to these situations. The involvement of people in such problems will in turn remind the government and civic authorities to be more conscious towards their duties and the needs of the citizens.

    We have seen the degradation of the quality of life in the city and surrounding areas due to several government inefficiencies and more recently, natural disasters. The state of our public spaces, our educational institutions, our historic monuments is a grave reminder of such a degradation at all levels.

    Have we ever voiced our views about what can be done? Have we done anything so far? Now is the time to act, to do something positive. Or our future will never ever forgive us for being so indifferent to all such issues. Be it conservation of our public spaces or our historic monuments, be it the quality of life we live or the values with which we claim to have a cultured civilization or be it the state of our educational institutions or our indifferent educated lot, young or old.

    Let us for once look back upon the Porbandar we inherited from our forefathers and juxtapose it with the Porbandar we are living in today. Do we need to change anything? Now is the time to act, to resurrect, to rejuvenate, to rescind all mental, attitudinal and bureaucratic lethargies. Now is the time to stand up for ourselves for our city.

    Por is an organizational attempt, a small step towards fulfilling such a need of our times. It is a group of individuals, businessmen, professionals and conscious citizens who are concerned with the prevailing attitude of the people towards the city, towards the major issues touching it. We hope to resurrect the charm of our city life which once made such a pleasant living environment. The beautiful well planned city which our forefathers left us behind. Por is a collective effort to resurrect the life of our city. To put life in our public spaces, our educational institutions, our youth, our heritage. To make them living once again would be our task.

    There are several such issues which need to be addressed publicly. Your support to such a collective effort is crucial. You, as an institution, governmental or non governmental or a group or an individual will be helpful in identifying such issues and visualizing what can be done? Our aim is to make our city more lively and livable, our Porbandar.

    Some such issues which need immediate attention are

  • Identifying cultural, social, ecological, uniqueness, identity of Porbandar & rejuvenate it.
  • Conservation of our public spaces
  • Beautifying our road junctions and reviving our footpaths
  • Reminding people of the city’s heritage
  • Highlighting city’s town planning and architectural heritage
  • Cleaner and greener cityscape by saving and planting trees
  • Improving the drainage, water recharge and total water management
  • Conserving our mangroves and bird sanctuary

    for any futher information, you may write to