Wednesday, June 25, 2008




  • Por is a mutually supporting group of volunteers who are committed to a better image of the city.

  • Por will identify, visualize, organize and implement projects of public interest which encourage peoples participation for a better and more sustainable living environment.

  • Por will work for creating awareness in the city towards the issues which touch the lives of people directly, through creative media.

  • Por hopes to be a platform for a more meaningful life and positive change in our attitudes.

  • Por will also use its human and other resources for creating awareness in the city about its cultural heritage and make an effort towards its meaningful conservation.

  • Por will wok collectively with other existing organizations in the city which are committed to various causes of public interest.

  • Por hopes to be a response to the need of resurrection of the declining state of our urban life.


    All these days we have seen unprecedented changes in our living environment due to various reasons. Be it environmental degradation due to over use of our natural resources or the declining quality of our rural and urban living environs because of local or global conditions. Our living ambience has been adversely affected and sometimes irreversibly affected due to these impending changes.

    One of the most dangerous side effects of such a state is common man’s alienation from his own living environs. One other reflection of this sad state is our indifference towards our own civic authorities. We, as citizens, seem to depend upon government or other civic authorities to provide solutions to our problems. Sometimes even these solutions may or may not be suitable to a given local situation.

    As has been seen in several such situations worldwide, it is possible to resolve issues of public importance if people themselves wake up to these situations. The involvement of people in such problems will in turn remind the government and civic authorities to be more conscious towards their duties and the needs of the citizens.

    We have seen the degradation of the quality of life in the city and surrounding areas due to several government inefficiencies and more recently, natural disasters. The state of our public spaces, our educational institutions, our historic monuments is a grave reminder of such a degradation at all levels.

    Have we ever voiced our views about what can be done? Have we done anything so far? Now is the time to act, to do something positive. Or our future will never ever forgive us for being so indifferent to all such issues. Be it conservation of our public spaces or our historic monuments, be it the quality of life we live or the values with which we claim to have a cultured civilization or be it the state of our educational institutions or our indifferent educated lot, young or old.

    Let us for once look back upon the Porbandar we inherited from our forefathers and juxtapose it with the Porbandar we are living in today. Do we need to change anything? Now is the time to act, to resurrect, to rejuvenate, to rescind all mental, attitudinal and bureaucratic lethargies. Now is the time to stand up for ourselves for our city.

    Por is an organizational attempt, a small step towards fulfilling such a need of our times. It is a group of individuals, businessmen, professionals and conscious citizens who are concerned with the prevailing attitude of the people towards the city, towards the major issues touching it. We hope to resurrect the charm of our city life which once made such a pleasant living environment. The beautiful well planned city which our forefathers left us behind. Por is a collective effort to resurrect the life of our city. To put life in our public spaces, our educational institutions, our youth, our heritage. To make them living once again would be our task.

    There are several such issues which need to be addressed publicly. Your support to such a collective effort is crucial. You, as an institution, governmental or non governmental or a group or an individual will be helpful in identifying such issues and visualizing what can be done? Our aim is to make our city more lively and livable, our Porbandar.

    Some such issues which need immediate attention are

  • Identifying cultural, social, ecological, uniqueness, identity of Porbandar & rejuvenate it.
  • Conservation of our public spaces
  • Beautifying our road junctions and reviving our footpaths
  • Reminding people of the city’s heritage
  • Highlighting city’s town planning and architectural heritage
  • Cleaner and greener cityscape by saving and planting trees
  • Improving the drainage, water recharge and total water management
  • Conserving our mangroves and bird sanctuary

    for any futher information, you may write to


por said...

hi young and forever young porbandaris on the net,
i hope to receive interesting, optimistic comments, support in any ways you can offer to POR.
hope you can send the link to this blog to all your friends around the world who would become a force to reckon with and help us make PORBANDAR a model town for India and the World.

Meena Popat said...

I am very satisfied and happy for these efforts and endeavours taken by POR Foundation. The city reallly needs the face-uplift.
Want to be part of this Foundation in future. Will do everyhting to promote and support this initiative.
All the best for your wonderful initiative.
God bless.
Meena Cholera Popat (A Daughter of Porbandar City - it was a town when I left it in 1983 )